Cannabis Market Research


Since spring 2019, the TakeCare Institute, EPC HealthCare and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sozialforschung have been working cooperatively on a comprehensive synopsis of the most important interest groups in the German market for medical cannabis.


Cannabis Market Research


Since spring 2019, the TakeCare Institute, EPC HealthCare and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sozialforschung have been working cooperatively on a comprehensive synopsis of the most important interest groups in the German market for medical cannabis.

360° Cannabis Market Research


The 360° Cannabis Market Research analyses the motivations, interests and actions of doctors, pharmacists, patients and insurance companies in this highly dynamic field of tension.

Quantitative market data are placed in relation to qualitative data from 360° market research with doctors, pharmacists, patients and the payers in SHI and PHI.


Sub-Report 1: Cannabis in the Pharmacy

The first results of the 360° Cannabis Market Research are now available. In the first of four subreports, the experiences and positions of the Hamburg pharmacists on the treatment of medical cannabis are presented.
The pharmacist’s point of view provides new insights into the market situation in Germany. Among other things, the report provides answers to the following questions:

  • Which specialist groups prescribe cannabis to their patients?
  • Which recipes dominate the business?
  • How are importers and marketers perceived?
  • How can new players in the cannabis market optimise their strategy?