Flyer Contract development and Management
9 Module 1 Module 1 is supported by a knowledge database as well as the EPC MONITOR payer for the selection of health insurers and the MONITORS MVZ and physician networks for the selection of service provi- ders. The rebate contracting process can be shown on the basis of the INSIGHT Health database. As a result of this module, the client receives a selection of relevant payers in GKV and PKV as well as a list of relevant contact persons. At the same time, initial negotiation talks can be initiated. This also applies to the area of service providers and care associations. Choice of contractors: payers, providers, and care setting, e.g.: • Which payers GKV or PKV and which priority? • Which service providers, institutions and associations? • Outpatient or inpatient care? • Which care setting? Module 2 The various instruments enable optimal communication of the contract offer in order to generate attention and acceptance for the innovative model on the part of the payers and/or service provi- ders. Signalling, PR and marketing to the contract offer, e.g.: • Publication of the model in professional articles • Preparation as internet offer • Presentation support for a lecture Module 3 Module 3 refers to the preparation of presentation materials as well as interviewing, facilitation and mediation, preparation, cover letter and initiation of initial interviews and other activities. A good contract model is the neces- sary condition. Successful contract negotiation, however, is only the sufficient condition. Contract negotiations and conclusion, e.g.: • Initial contact with the contractual partners • Establishment of a line of negotiation • Training and coaching of contract negotiations Module 4 For example, in the case of a risk - sharing contract or a value - added contract with three to four diffe- rent contractual partners, it is advisable to test the contract construct for feasibility in practice in a pilot phase or in a test institution or test region. As a general rule, the more complex and de- manding the contract model is and the more contractual partners are involved, the higher the level of accompanying communication and implementation support should be. Test pilot and roll - out and implementation support, e.g.: • Testing or implementation in a pilot phase • Elimination of potential implementation barriers • Continuous support for all contract partners
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