Flyer Contract development and Management
8 Impact analysis A thorough impact analysis that covers as many of the relevant dimensions as possible pro- vides the necessary certainty and confidence for implementing a contract in the market. Examples include: SWOT analysis for the direct contract. Estimation of the sales and profit impact of the contract. Estimation of the impact of the German contract on the international price level. Impact on marketing & sales through the contract offer. Dimensions of the impact analysis of individual direct contracts Customers - Finances - Competitors - Processes Field service - Contract competence - Time to success Contract management The contract offer is the necessary condition for opening up the "contracts" sales channel. The sufficient condition lies in efficient contract management, i.e., in adequate operative ac- companying implementation. Depending on the contract model selected, this often requires intensive and multi - channel communication between the contractual partners and relationships (two or more - sided contracts) as well as other supporting measures. A basic distinction can be made between selection, communication, interaction, implemen- tation, controlling and evaluation instruments.
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