Flyer Contract development and Management

4 Aim and purpose of innovative contracts Contracts are an innovative additional sales channel for products and offer independent market access. For the company, this can result in a strategic advantage of market access over its competitors. Contracts can be used to flank the entire product life cycle. The time perspective is predominantly aimed at one to rather three and also more years in- to the future. This also takes into account expected new product launches or other frictions or impacts. The specific contract model is developed jointly by a team of experts from the client and with the support of EPC HealthCare GmbH. In most cases, a back - up variant is developed at the same time. What are the possible goals of a contract strategy? • Sales and revenue growth as well as gaining market share. • Ensure market access for the new, innovative product at fair prices. • Make market access more difficult for competitors. • Extend the life cycle of the product. • Improve care through tripartite contracts with service providers. • Establish business relationships with PKV and GKV payers. What are possible motives of a contract strategy? • Contracts in response to regulatory market access restrictions for an innovation. • Contracts in response to an unfavorable competitive situation, for example a me - too product with low market share. • Contracts in response to a high proportion of parallel imports. • Contracts in response to a specific phase in the product life cycle, for example, close to patent expiration. • Contracts as a pilot to gain new experience and prepare concretely for a new competi- tive world. With regard to contracts, a company should consider the following issues: • What are the company's goals with innovative direct contracts? • What is the company's positioning in the sector of innovative direct contracts? • What segmentation is the company aiming for in terms of health insurance funds as contract partners? • Where is the company's USP in the contracting business? • What do innovative contracts mean for the licensing and cooperation strategy? • Where does the company see its product - and indication - specific preferences for selec- tive contracts?