Flyer Contract development and Management

For decades, the entire range of services provided by the statutory health insurers has been regulated in terms of care and remuneration via collective agreements. Direct contracts between payers and service providers have created a new framework for action. Increasingly, patent - protected drugs are also being marketed through innovative di- rect contracts. Risk and cost sharing as well as capitation contracts are current options. Beyond pure pharmaceuticals, payers are increasingly tendering additional and more com- plex service areas for the care of their insureds via direct contracts. The AMNOG legislation also explicitly introduces the possibility of replacing the maximum reimbursement amount by the GKV funds for innovative drugs with selective contracts based on cost or risk sharing or capitation contracts. The innovative ATMPs are currently leading to a renaissance of innovative direct contracts. Here, cost - and risk - sharing as well as capitation contract models are in first place and are now increasingly being implemented. Why are contracts so important today? Contracts that cost the company a lot of money. Contracts that do not satisfy any contractual partner. Contracts that are not really understood. Contracts that meet with the disapproval of regulatory institutions. Contracts that cannot be recorded and mapped by controlling. Contracts without sustainability. What they better avoid Contracts that position your company positively with payers in GKV and PKV. Contracts that positively present your company to service providers - such as physician networks. Contracts that are simple and competent in their statements and can be implemented in a practical manner. Contracts that reflect their corporate strategy. Contracts that relate to their core products and market - relevant indications and do not follow guided chance. Contracts, with sustainability, that are successfully implemented on the market over many years. What they can do better