Flyer Value Dossier

6 Inhalt des Value Dossiers EbM - basiert The content structure of a Value Dossier EbM - based is based on the requirements of the marke- ting authorization for the product and is supplemented by economic and competitive as- pects, as required. A typical structure of such a Value Dossier EbM - based includes content from the fields of medicine, healthcare, pharmaceutics and pharmacology. Furthermore, content from clinical, economic and product comparisons can be presented. The preparation and presentation of the content follows the principles of evidence - based medicine as strictly as possible. Documented literature research on individual points ensures the quality and topi- cality of the Value Dossier EbM - based . A Value Dossier EbM - based can contain a great deal of data and facts. In it, all relevant information on a product is prepared according to the principles of evidence - based medicine. For each chart there is, if possible, a source citation and largely everything is backed up with the original literature. Professional literature searches for clini- cal trials (RCTs), meta - analyses, systematic reviews, guidelines and other subject matter en- sure that the statements are of the highest topicality and quality. The epidemiological clinical part is supplemented by the supply reality, the economic reality and statements on the rele- vant competitors on the basis of the comparison of the specialist information or H2H com- parisons. With the Value Dossier EbM - based , one is enabled to conduct a professional, in - depth and quick discussion on many issues, because all relevant information is stored in the Value Dossier EbM - based. A Value Dossier EbM - based has an average size of 75 charts and is supported by about 10 - 15 PDFs of original literature. However, up to 150 charts can be integrated into a Value Dossier EbM - based. The "Table of Contents" chart provides a quick and comprehensive overview of the structure and contents of the Value Dossier EbM - based .