Flyer Value Dossier

4 The Value Dossier EbM - based in comparison Not all dossiers are the same! Different types of dossiers are distinguished by their content structure, the way in which information is processed and presented, as well as in the actual goal and purpose for which they are created. The predominant form of presentation is still the report volume with many tables, figures and even more text. This type of dossier is usu- ally very extensive and often runs to several hundred pages. They are not suitable for direct communication, but must first be read and understood as completely as possible before the contents can be discussed. They are too text - heavy and cumbersome to use. For this reason, they are not suitable tools for effective, direct and fast communication with clients. The following overview shows the differentiation and objectives of various dossier types: The Global Value Dossier For internal communicati- on from corporate head- quarters to the subsidiari- es. Mostly in English, often comprising several hundred pages. The AMNOG Dossier Strictly regulated and for- malized dossier in Ger- man language for the G - BA for early NB according to § 35a SGB V, the dossier is subsequently published almost completely on the Internet. The HTA Report For external communication to institutions or policy ma- kers. It is used to form a general opinion on new technolo- gies in healthcare. New, but very effective, is the extraction of the dossier content into an integral presentati- on that links the individual modules together - the Value Dossier EbM - based . In this document, the content is didactically prepared, from the core statement to the depth of content, de- tails and ultimately to the source of the statement, the original literature. All facts and fi- gures relevant to the product's benefit argument are integrated into a single interactive presentation. One can immediately and directly access the relevant content with the Value Dossier EbM - based and is thus able to give a valid answer to as many questions and problems as possible that arise in the discussion. The Value Dossier EbM - based For external communication with service providers, payers and other relevant stakehol- ders as well as for internal communication. German language, interactive presentation, didactic preparation and executive summary in Word.